Cloud of Dust Podcast Episode 6

Cloud of Dust Podcast Episode 6

Coach Scally and Aaron Conrad break down the Darby game, discuss perspective and the schedule ahead. We announce our DiBella’s Subs player of the week, interview two players and look ahead to the game vs Olentangy Berlin....
Save The Date! Mum Sale

Save The Date! Mum Sale

Save the date! The Hilliard Davidson Girls Lacrosse team will have their mum sale on Saturday, September 10th. The event will take place at Hilliard Weaver Middle School from 9am-3pm. You can also find the mum sale at the Old Hilliardfest at 9am. The mum sale will...
Cloud of Dust Podcast Episode 6

Episode 5 of The Cloud of Dust Podcast

Episode 5 of The Cloud of Dust Podcast with Aaron Conrad and Coach Scally is now available. Coach and Aaron discuss the previous weeks game, give out the DiBella’s Subs Player of the Week, interview two players and preview the big rivalry game this week versus...
Welcome to the New Site!

Welcome to the New Site!

We are excited to launch our brand new website with our partners from The Unscripted Collective. On this site you can find the latest schedule for athletics, partner links, the latest podcasts for Coach Scally and Coach Congrove, announcements and so much more. Make...